Monday, 29 December 2008
Pink and Green Quilt

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Starting as I mean to go on... I've made a Bit-Bag and mug holder to take to workshops, only used 1 yard, but every little helps!
I have now cut out and started a quilt in fabrics and colours I never use, greens and pinks. Watch this space ! I scribbled a plan on a note pad and that is my design, quick and easy.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008

I found this photo in my parents house, while clearing out. It is 54 years old!!
I am Mary age 10 years and my sister Debbie is the angel singing on the stool age 7 years.
The innocence of childhood, when we strung cotton wool balls and paper chains for decorations, and put balloons on the tree. Sadly I do not know who the other three girls are.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Stash and UFO busting

Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Sandie Lush Colonial Cushion

Monday, 1 December 2008
December First 2008

December First and another BQL challenge bag to make, so I set to early this morning and have made a Ballet bag for my 5yr old granddaughter who is performing in a concert on Friday and Saturday for the first time.
I have been very busy making Christmas presents but cannot put pictures up as family might see them!
Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...
Carol Doak via her yahoo group has offered two great prizes of SIXTY fat quarters. The competition is to make a 9 patch block from one of he...
Having been given the challenge to finish a UFO each month on the Patchwork Times blog site. #6 was drawn out of the hat for this month, and...
Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...