Wednesday 12 March 2014


I've been asked what IAM stands for.
About thirteen years ago a few of us got together to make lace, we were then joined by non lacemaking friends and decided to meet once a month at my house to spend the day working on different crafts. Gradually the lacemaking seemed to be taken over by patchwork, quilting, knitting, crochet, cross stitch, card making etc etc...
Constantly members were saying " I am going to do this or that, finish this or that etc" so the group name became IAM.
We are now a group of eight, which is as many as I can fit comfortably in my Happy Room.

1 comment:

Christa said...

Thanks for the answer, Diana. I thought it might be part of an organization. Purely private seems a lot of fun. No strings attached. No rules. Nice!

  Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...