Tuesday 26 May 2015

The Crochet Diet !

I have struggled with weight since the age of 30 [ when I had a hysterectomy] and decided a couple of weeks ago that if only I could loose a little it would help my poor old knees.

SO.. the crochet diet was born..

Breakfast I'm OK, lunch I'm OK, dinner I'm OK... then TV and nibbles until bed time.

So first thing was to cut down on desserts, I still HAVE to have one but they are less calories, usually a yogurt or reduced calorie jelly with fruit. [I love rhubarb in jelly]
Next was how to stop the TV nibbles... answer Crochet, with a hook in my hand I forget about eating.
I have a target I hope to reach before our next trip to Spain the end of August and will let you know if I reach it [or not].
The result of my first manic crochet instead of nibbling effort
All joined together with crochet and the borders made.
I just love this blanket.

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