Thursday, 2 March 2017

March has arrived

Well here we are a new month and as I write this the sun is shinning. Not sure it will last long as rain is forecast.
Now I am into keeping a Happy Planner journal I set myself the target of walking 2000 steps every day, reading my scriptures and just trying to appreciate more of life.
The month did not start well with a visit to the dentist to prepare for a crown. I absolutely hate going to the dentist for even a check up, but crown prep is the worse, I was a complete wreck by the time he had finished with me! Two weeks now with a temporary crown before I go back for the new crown and a bill for £320!
On a good note I managed to walk over 3000 steps.

Today my friends arrive for a day of craft work (IAM) so up early-ish for a walk around the block to make sure I keep up my target. It was actually very nice out in the cold sunshine.
Sewing day 60 years ago !

1 comment:

Christa said...

I love your photo. Is that you? Precious!!!
Sorry about the dentist. Hang in there.

  Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...