Monday 1 October 2018

Birthday season

September and we start the birthday season... Chris on the 22nd and Abigail on the 30th

We had a joint party on Saturday and enjoyed a meal of duck wraps and spicy chicken and curly chips, thanks Costco!
This was followed by a very large cake, that we thought too big to divide into six!
I had managed to buy fancy flashing light candles while in Spain with the numbers 1 & 5. Abigail loved them Chris got a single candle, 68 were just 67 too many!

Blowing out the candles

I had planned a couple of easy sit at the table games, so we started with a birthday version of the right / left game with six small gifts I had wrapped, there seemed to be a lot of cheating going on and much laughter.

Then we played a game I saw posted on Facebook by a friend, I was not sure of the rules, but I strongly recommend it for fun and laughter, and does not cost very much.
I drew 12 squares on a piece of paper, then taking it in turns 1 sweet was placed into each square while one player went out the room. One sweet was named PETE and the missing player returned to eat as many sweets as possible [ mostly smarties, jellybabies and chocolate raisins] before we all shouted DON'T EAT PETE as soon as they went to touch the named sweet. Huge fun.

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