Tuesday 4 February 2020

Quad Bike hire

On a whim I asked Chris how he fancied quad biking, and that is where the story began..
We booked a one hour quad bike hire from Hotel La Mariposa that included a free four course lunch for 39 Euros each.
Having never done anything like this before we had no idea what we were letting ourselves in for.
It turned out to be just the best day every.

About an hour from where we are staying, firstly on a motorway and then a road that was little more than a track!

Decked out in crash helmets we are introduced to our quad bikes, yikes what are we doing?
Brad our leader stops to take a photo of us next to the beautiful almond and cherry tree blossom.
Having gripped the handlebars so tight I doubt I can let go!
Next ‘stop’ is at the Mirador, just the most peaceful scenic place I think I have ever been to.

We are still smiling.

Views to die for, somehow they seem unreal. The lake at the bottom is actually dammed with rocks.
Just look at the tracks we are using!

Brad our leader is excellent with all the information on the area and keeps us safe.
Back at the Hotel, which looks such a delightful place to stay.

We wait to order our four course Menu del dia which was extremely good.

Just a brilliant day from 11.30am when we arrived until 3.30pm when we left. 
Tired and happy we both collapsed on the sofa when we got back to the villa.


Etched In Thread said...

Hi Diana,
It is Ally from Embroidery Buddies, haven't seen you in there for a while. But while going through my blog I follow from time to time I found yours.
I see you are enjoying a holiday in the sun.
Afraid no out of country travel for us as DH is waiting for new knee, but because has had numerous falls with the knee giving out we are not chancing a fall while out of country, since my fall in Austraila, last year as insurance people were useless.
I haven't done much on my embroidery machine but am enjoying thread painting. I am on FB Etched In Thread By Ally or etchedinthread.blogspot.com

Enjoy the sunshine and your holiday.

Christa said...

That looked like so much fun. We should spend time together. But collapsing on the sofa ... and not knitting? Well, well ...

  Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...