Monday, 25 August 2014


Something else to learn! My poor old brain is on overload...
For a long time I have not found a way to put pictures on my blog using my iPad2.
Posted with Blogsy
Today I notice a friend on holiday had a little  Blogsy logo at the bottom of her blog, so I investigated it, spent £2.99 on the app and yipee now I can blog on holiday and send pictures through my iPad2.
Thanks Christa for going to Croatia and using Blogsy.

1 comment:

Christa said...

You are welcome!
The tough part is to find the internet to upload. I am soooo sorry about your misfortune with the car. I am happy you don't let it spoil your vacation to much. Safe travels!

  Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...