Sunday, 26 July 2020

Home sweet home & the Wild Garden

It’s always good to be home, but time to start planning the next trip!
There always seems to be so many jobs to do at home, my list grows longer and longer.

My ‘secret’ garden, which is actually at the far side of the house and unseen by anyone but me collecting raspberries and rhubarb is always such a mess... the soil is very poor and grass just does not want to grow so time for action.....

I decided to see if I could turn it in to a wild meadow, it’s already a ‘wild lawn!!’ Purchased a bag of mixed seeds that hopefully will attract the butterflies and bees.
With the top soil left over from the raised bed project I sprinkled a thin layer on half of the ‘lawn’ and broadcasted the seeds, then the Lord saw fit to rain them in most of the night.  I need to buy another packet of seeds to complete the other half.

A quick look in my bags of left over top soil and the carrots have started to grow, I don’t think we will be eating them any time soon, but you cannot beat a fresh carrot.
Beetroot are also coming up for air!  think I’ll wait a while before buying pickling spices !

After all the soil moving and catch up jobs I had to do yesterday I am glad today is Sunday and other than attending a Zoom Church service I intend to take it easy and put my feet up.  Happy Sabbath 

Thanks for making my day and leaving a comment...

1 comment:

Vera said...

You have done a lot of work in your garden, the veggies will be so tasty. Happy Sabbath we are missing Church

  Diana's funeral has now been arranged with Hollowells Funeral Directors. If anyone on this blog is interested in attending please go t...