Sunday 30 August 2020

Bringing home the Christmas Trees and a present

Saturday was a busy day, we started the day giving the large Acer tree a haircut. The Acer was bought as a damaged plant in B & Q quite cheaply many years ago, it has grown into a beautiful tree but getting far to large for my garden. Chris got out the saw and loppers and together we reduced the top growth to a more manageable size. I am amazed how much it has opened the garden up and let in more light.
Enough exercise for the day and it was only 9am when we finished !

Trees must be on my mind as I retreated to my Happy Room to work on Bringing Home the Christmas Trees.
Laying out ‘almost’ flying geese blocks, I say almost as the tops are missing, I drew diagonal lines on the white squares.

Starting with a ‘leader’ that was in fact an ‘Ender’ the last time I sewed, I chain pieced them sewing along the lines.
The ‘waste’ piece is then cut off leaving 2 small triangles for the scrap bin.

Instead of going in the scrap bin, I sew a parallel seam 1/2 an inch away, cut between the lines and produce a half square triangle ready for another project. I have so many of these little half square blocks that will be ideal for a border or mini quilt, It’s like getting a little present.

Time ran away with me [see next blog post] and although I had hoped to get two more tree blocks completed I only completed some elements  of them.

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